We finished with a flourish and went off to Go Ape for the day. I've been waiting for Archie to be old enough for years (you have to be 10) and finally the day had come when we could all go and we loved it :-)
We then had a picnic and went for a walk. Walking along one of the tracks was slightly unnerving though, as it was all a bit spooky. Reminded us of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and we felt like the trees were reflected in mirrors ... weird.
The rest of the week has been Oscar at school hockey practice, last minute visits from/to friends and a visit to Granny. Today we're off the to the beach hut, hope it will be sunny.
We've had a great Summer 2011 but feel ready to get back to routine {bet I won't be thinking that when the alarm goes off}.
Tomorrow is a big day for Oscar as he starts secondary school and it's the last time Archie will be starting a new school year at primary school. Time moves on .....
Time certainly does move on. Mine are starting Year 2 and Year 5 and I have no idea how that can be.I am trying to encourage my two to spend the last day having fun but that's tempered with a desire not to have them so tired tomorrow they can't function. Bah.